37th anniversary
Yes, April 2020 marked 37 years since the very first Bruce's Fingers cassette release (click for the full list). Hopefully you'll have found at least some of the music we've created over the first 37 years of interest - and I hope that you'll continue to explore what we get up to over the next 37 (er, or so).
There aren't any projected birthday celebrations, since we haven't even got round to realising the 20th, 25th, 30th or 35th anniversary celebrations yet. And let's face it - what would be the point? Our small and dedicated band of supporters know where and what we are, and the others don't seem to much care anyway. But needless to say, if you want to treat yourself to a 37th anniversary blowout/spending spree at the BF 'store' then we aren't going to complain. And if you want to tell us, or your friends, or anybody whatsoever how much you've enjoyed our music, then that would be fantastic (always assuming that the answer isn't "not at all".)
To make sure you're updated about what might be afoot over the next tri-decennium, click here to join the Bruce's Fingers mailing list and be automatically informed about all new releases, forthcoming gigs and special offers. And thanks for remaining open to new ideas, no matter how infuriating.....
the roll of thanks
as we celebrate our 36th anniversary, we'd particularly like to thank the following generous individuals who (among many others) have helped to make it all possible:
Ben Pringle
Jo Fell
Jim Denley
Phil Darke
Sarah Gail Brand
Alex Ward
Charles Wharf
Guy Llewellyn
Mick Beck
Steve Noble
Petter Frost Fadnes
Adam Fairhall
Alex Maguire
Edith Alonso
Joe Morris
Borja Díaz
Guy Avern
Ståle Birkeland
Alasdair Hayden-Wright
Alex Stone
Gil Matthews
Peter Shepherd
Graham Halliwell
Su Lyn
Colin Wharf
Chris Gosling
Jonathan Heeley
Seth Richardson
Teresa Vellacott
Tim Berne
Mick Peake
Justin Quinn
Ronald Fell
Pete Minns
John McMillan
John Bissett
Phil Joseph
Stephen MacLachlan
Colin Radford
Ed Sewell
Matthew Bourne
Christophe de Bezenac
Adrian Coggins
Philip Thomas
Nikki Dyer
Ann Wilson
Rob Dainton
Phil Hargreaves
Mary Schwarz
Vanessa Bridge
Kate Hurst
John Russell
Irene Lifke
John Preston
Paul Garner
Andrew Stewart
Matthew Wilkes
Bruce Godfrey
James Cuthill
Thanea Stevens
Julian Landymore
Simon Roberts
Chris Sharkey
Fardijah Freedman
Andy Street
Alison Sykes